Unorthodox of Sacrifice

Sidra Al Mekdad
2 min readFeb 2, 2022

It happens for society to think of sacrifice as sacrificing one’s own needs for another. Sacrificing own happiness for another. The truth is, the true sacrifice, is a sacrifice of the Ego-Self, the animalistic desires, the ego desires, the self-serving desires. It only appears so when the person one sacrifices for is for the Self and not God.

The sacrifice for God is sacrificing all pathologies for a true sense of love, true happiness, true joy, true peace, and the only sacrifice one must make. To sacrifice today’s hangout for a two hour connection with God. To sacrifice a job that is not aligned to God’s integrity that of which experiencing would only bring feelings of unease to the soul. The reality is living in God’s integrity will bring peace. These look like sacrifices to the Self because it’s temporary and false senses of survival for existence. The paradox of sacrifice. So long one places value on those phantoms, so long the soul lives in unease and in a lack of joy. A mother sacrifices her sleep for a child and that might be painful for the Self and those desires, but the sacrifice yields in a healthy child, a child who feels loved. That sacrifice brings joy to the mother. In the midst of pain of a sacrifice that’s held in roots of responsibility and duty is not a sacrifice, essentially it’s a reward; a reward one wouldn’t have otherwise experienced or known.

The paradox is the veil for which one knows nothing of until the occurrence of a leap of faith. To have faith that the sacrifice of a temporary belief will yield to a reward, a promised reward. It is to humble oneself to its ignorance and blind spot of thought that one knows all or that which is already known is truth.

